17 March 2014

MH370 Update : Forward SAR Base, Why Choose Kuantan?

Dear All,

- From the begining, Government instruct RMAF to put a forward SAR base and command center in Kuantan Airbase.

- This SAR base and command center shall be used to coordinate SAR effort in South China Sea (primarily on the last GPS location where MH370 ill-fated flight last radar signal).

- The issue is, this Kuantan Airbase is far (very far) from the suspected crash sites ... More than 250 km.

- Why don't they use Gong Kedak Airbase located just 120 km from the suspected crash sites.

- Even the RMN Aloutte Helicopter were also being station and operated in Kuantan.

- I'll gives you this clue for you to think the correct and logical answer.

Truly Your Friend



  1. bro, gua sedikit musykil. kalo lu bh investigate benda ni. gua yakin other international agent jgk akn dpt result yg sama (provided that findings are true). tp kenapa diorang msih dok join SAR nih? adakah dorang ada agenda lain?

    *sorry, ini kali gua takda tulur nk pakai nama betul gua


  2. Gong Kedak AB banyak sangat benda sensitip

  3. November Foxtrot SierraMarch 17, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    Salam Bro C++,

    My guess:
    1. Perhaps the "official" response is: Kuantan has a naval base, plus an airbase. No doubt Gong Kedak air base is nearer, but the closest "naval" base is Tok Bali, which only houses the Coast Guard and Marine Police (if wrong, I stand to be corrected) and would be logistically insufficient.

    2. The "unofficial" response, however, is: perhaps Gong Kedak is set to be the theatre of "another" operation.

    Awaiting your response.


  4. gong kedak banyak dedak kurang selesa nak jadikan pusat

  5. Gong Kedak ada Cik Su,mana boleh jadikan sbg SAR base. Lagipun Navy semuanya ada di Kuantan. Kalau kat Kelantan tu rasanya kat pengkalan APMM di Tok Bali

  6. bro. your teori ni, u think bape % accurate? fact? very very strong theory? tq

  7. salam bro, mana satu yg betul ni gong kedak ker airbase kuantan? ker depa landing kt gong kedak lepas tu mereka2 semua tu di angkut ke airbase kuantan ? tolong bagi klu baru bro.....

  8. 239 orang hidup...nak mobilize...ramai ni.mau pakai 6 bas..
    Harap2 penduduk kg gong kedak..yg suspicious..boleh buat laporan.
    Cuma tak pasti apa motif?

  9. "Even the RMN Aloutte Helicopter were also being station and operated in Kuantan." Sejak bila pulak RMN ada "Aloutte Helicopter" ni.... hehehe... Lagipun TUDM guna helikopter NURI lah untuk SAR... miker cakap bior betul...

  10. Heehee....betul gak tu Aloutte rasanya dah pencen sejak Navy dapat Fennec dan Super Lynx

  11. Kenapa ramai sangat negarayang nak bantu? Adakah insiden ini menjadi satu theatre untuk mengumpul data laut dan udara rantau Asia Tenggara? Adakah ini satu eksperimen untuk dijadikan "excuse" "to spy on us". Maksudnya kalau ikut Bro C++ insiden ini adalah dalaman tetapi bagi saya telah mengundang ramai pihak (yang mungkin bermusuhan) menguji kehebatan teknologi masing-masing di samping mengambil peluang mengumpul data yang sebanyak mungkin - very scary!!!


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???