10 March 2014

MH370 Update: Hijacked Or Not?

Dear All..

- Intelligence Agency from 5 country has been extending the search range including Central Asia for MH370 plane.

- Private and un-marked landing strip in Central Asia with length more than 700 feet has been closely monitored via intelligence satellite.

- Philipines security agency has been deployed to check Philipines private landing strip for any big aircraft landing mark.

- FYI, flight transponder has been shut-off which indicate that either the plane being shootdown by anti-aircraft missile or hijackers have sufficient knowledge on how to shut it off.

- No marked of airborne explosion has been detected within 48 hours at this altitude (35000 feet) withing the range of detection sensor located in Australia, Pacific (Guam) and Japan.

- US Mil-Sat has never detect any high altitude explosion within 72 hours around the suspected MH370 flight route.

- MH370 Hijacked or Not is still the biggest un-solved question, but Intelligence Agency takes it seriously on hijacked scenario.

Source : Malaysian and International Security Agency.



  1. heran macam mana tak boleh fikir tak perlu hairan sebab ada manusia bila Allah suruh berfikir pun ramai tak mau berfikir
    manusia rasa hebat tak sedar akai yang duk pakai tupun Allah jadikan
    haijek or not - setil mis sing

  2. bro c++..ape pendapat bro mengenai article ni:-

  3. Hijack punye cerite ler,sekarang pesawat ada kat central Asia,semua orang selamat,itu mengikut tenungan saya dan teman sebomoh dari India.


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???