13 March 2014

MH370 Update : Why MH370 Didn't Land In Nanning China

Dear All,

- If MH370 landed on foreign country, it would trigger suspicious to everybody.

- Everyone might be curious about this mysterious plane.

- Therefore... As I've said before, MH370 would never landed in Nanning or any other country undetectable.

- There are new information from Roll-Royce PLC stating that they have got engine data from MH370 ill-fated flight up until four (4) hours after the beacon and transponder being shut-off.

- Meaning that the plane have safely landed somewhere which happen to have a IFR/VFR and ILS/MLS facilities.

- Meaning that the landing airstrip shall have clear entry from South China Sea with altitude at least not more than 50ft from sea level.

- Meaning that this landing airstrip can accomodate wide body aircraft and have a longer airstrip (more than 1000 meter).

P/S : I've embedded some clue here.


*** hope that the MH370 "hijacker" could release all the passenger and crew un-harm sooner


  1. "hijacker"?... Apa yang cuba disampaikan? Anyone knows?

  2. Clue tak ada mention pasal crew kapal. Mcm mana keadaan mrk?

  3. Hm.. Kita doakan semua penumpang serta krew kapal sentiasa dilindungi Allah. Ini mungkin menjawab persoalan kenapa MAS beriya-iya nak bwk keluarga penumpang ke sini.

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  5. Clear entry from South China Sea - At least 50ft from sea level - 1000m+ runway that can accommodate wide body.

    Taking into consideration of all witness account being in the east coast region, and none from west coast, I can't think other airbase than Gong Kedak. Explains why people don't make a fuss about it, since people might thought it's just another jet, plus it's after daylight and people are probably sleeping. They might land straight to Runway 26, directly from the sea.

    If this happens to be true, I am wondering how do they kept the personnel at WMGK to remain silence about it. And I am wondering, why it takes them four hours to land at WMGK, assuming that it is true.

    But seriously, is this information valid? This is pretty heavy stuff.

    (I must admit that I am being highly irresponsible for making a speculation, but I just can't resist, due to the interesting points brought up by OP. Hope my opinion dies here and will not go anywhere else beyond this page)

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    1. Bro, tak mungkin sebab kalau ada kapal terbang besar turun memang dah boleh nampak sebab dari belah kanan dan belah kiri airport bersebelahan jalan raya yang memang boleh dikatakan sibuk. berhampiran kawasan itu juga banyak kedai2 mamak tempat berlepak. Jika ada kapal terbang mendarat sudah pasti menjadi isu. Kedua, dibahagian belakang airport tersebut adalah kawasan perindustrian komposit serta berhampiran taman perumahan. Kawasan tersebut tidak sesuai.

      Pada pendapat saya, hijackers boleh menggunakan beberapa private airstrip di kawasan asia tenggara seperti di Vietnam, Filipina, Laos dan Myanmar. Ada diantara airstrip ini adalah bekas peninggalan tentera. ini cuma pendapat sahaja.

    2. Dengan kepesatan Melaka khasnya dan Malaysia amnya, kini lapangan terbang bersejarah ini sedang melalui pengubahsuaian menyeluruh. Projek pengubahsuaian bermula paada 16 April 2007. Kerja-kerja menaiktaraf lapangan terbang ini telah diperlakukan dan dijangka siap pada tahun 2009. Setelah siap sepenuhnya nanti lapangan terbang ini akan menerima pendaratan pesawat jenis Boeing 737 dan Airbus 320.

  7. Atas kapal mana dia landing tengah laut? Kapal yang cukup panjang...

  8. Kalau ikut clue di atas, so far diaorang masih selamat lagi lah yek.

    Hmm, susah nak hadam clue2 lain dalam posting ni dan posting yang lepas...

  9. Diego Garcia??.. hmmm

  10. lone ranger hijacker....passengers sound n clear. somewhere near South China Sea...eastcoast?.

  11. ketoman kuat sgt ni c++

  12. From these clues {- Meaning that the plane have safely landed somewhere which happen to have a IFR/VFR and ILS/MLS facilities.

    - Meaning that the landing airstrip shall have clear entry from South China Sea with altitude at least not more than 50ft from sea level.

    - Meaning that this landing airstrip can accomodate wide body aircraft and have a longer airstrip (more than 1000 meter).}

    I think its refer to Kerteh Airport...

  13. sesungguhnya sesama negara dunia pun tak bole pecaya jugak semua ada kepentingan
    masing masing ingin mengatasi antara satu sama lain
    dan ada negara yang sanggup buat kedzoliman hatta nyawa manusia melayang sekali pun asalkan
    misi tercapai
    amerika israel britis ni cukup sial punya negara
    dulu agen mosad gambar dikeluarkan kes bunuh pemimpin palestin di dubai akhirnya hancai jugak

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  15. My guess will be Pulau Layang-layang

  16. F-18D Hornet terbang berdekatan Pulau Layang-Layang yang terletak di kawasan tuntutan bertindih di Laut China Selatan. Dulu pulau ni sekadar terumbu. Kemudian Tun Mahathir arahkan terumbu ni ditambak untuk dijadikan pulau serta pengkalan paling hadapan negara. Luas pulau ini kalau lebih kurang 2.5 km persegi. Panjang landasan sekitar 1300 meter.

  17. bos....lagi di bagi clue lg pening nak paham. udah le pening dgn jawapan pak menteri masaa PC.. just nk tau flight tu kat mana betoinyer...penumpang selamat ke idak..ni dh jepun pulak datang hantar bantuan.....cepat2 la selesai kes mh ni...


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???