14 March 2014

MH370 Update : Why This Happen?

Dear All...

- From 1.40 am Saturday morning until 2.40 am, Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) stated that they have seen the "unknown aircraft" flown from South China Sea and heading to Straits of Malacca/Andaman Sea detected by their military radar

- Approximately it takes about 1 hours lapse for the "unknown aircraft" fly through Peninsular Malaysia undetected and unverified.

- No action have been taken by Royal Malaysian Air Force to send jet fighter verifying the "unknown aircraft" whatsoever therefore I conclude that RMAF is not doing their job.

- It is a shame to see "unknown aircraft" flown right through Peninsular Malaysia and our RMAF never take preemptive action. If the "unknown aircraft" is hostile and carried a nuclear bomb, for sure Northern Malaysia can be easily targeted right in-front RMAF nose.

- For me, the answer for this is someone higher enough what to bluff us with this unverified information (until now no one from outside the RMAF have seen the military radar logs). They wanted us to search where they  have pointed and not on the real area.



  1. ada yang terjadi memang tidak disangka oleh manusia ada juga yang terjadi memang disengajakan jadi
    otak manusia berputar ligat mencapai hajat

  2. Drama2 politik Malaysia ditayang secara rakus..somthin fishy la wit PM kangkung n his auw auw nephew..dulu da ada drama berdarah 13 Mei, Memali, Sauk, Altantuya..skrg trendy drama hilang pulak..mesti kes nak divert isu tapi ada pegawai yg bodo dan menteri yg bodo buat slack..very suspicious..who will become our next black-black goat @ scapegoat? Hahaha! Janji lepas last sekali like cerita Hindustan arahan Mamakdey..

  3. Bhai C++,

    Tulisan kat artikel ni nampak macam banyak lagi info2 lain.

    Ada apa2 komen?


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???