19 March 2014

MH370 Update : Worst Case Scenario

Dear All,

- What if some of the passenger on flight MH370 is now dead?
- What if the survivor were less than 10 people.
- What if the pilot and co-pilot were also dead?
- What if all the flight crew were dead?

- Dead not due tue plane crash but were designed to look as a crash victim.

- What if the real location of the plane is not the same as when it first landed. And it were being shifted to new location to correspond to a new script?
- Can a new mobile ADS-B transmitter,  Flight Transponder and SATCOM being placed onto MH370 after the first landed to reflect a new commercial aircraft for a new normal route with new ID and signature. And these mobile equipment were removed after this plane has been intentionally crash on a "sandy" location to follow a new script?

Truly Your Friend



  1. Sedihlah bila sampai this stage.Hurt to read but can guess this is the ending. Not surprised looking back at Memali, Altantuya cases...very fishy...but well covered. As civilian to digest this conspirasy might be unbelieving but to a certain extent only those who are related to these things knew the truth how barbaric these people had been and will be to stay in power. May Allah blessed them in heaven. May their families accept the fate with strong hearts. Inalillah...

    1. its not the end of the script and Allah knows. Just unfortunate that the pilot / co-pilot . crew members / some passengers are the victims of circumstances.

    2. still not sure who the master planners....anon19 cam sure je pihak B.For me,cam tak je.Pls cipan,clear the clouds fast,tq.

  2. lihat bagaimana negara pengganas seperti amerika israel britis dll yang membunuh manusia disegenap tempat didunia ini terutama sekali orang Islam dengan berbagai alasan jahat
    amerika presiden depa sendiri pun dibunuh jf kenedy
    ada malapetaka yang direka manusia

  3. Dear C++

    Very sad scenario bro. Hope it's not true.

  4. If I am the one who's doing the hijacking.

    I simply execute remaining survivors, dispose the body in secret (systematic disposal, not hard if you have the resources). Took a few seats from the plane and other floating materials and also some distinctive parts from the plane, doesn't need to be many, just some of them. Put them in a freighter or cargo ship that have routes across indian ocean, South China Sea, Andaman Sea and other currently suspected area where the plane have been speculated to crash by the public investigators, within the area choose a point where the ocean floor is the deepest (not necessary actually) and drop all the materials there.

    In a few weeks or days, SAR team will find the debris and will start looking for the missing plane, in which they will never find. But that's okay, because no matter how ditermine NTSB in looking for the main air frame which they believe has "crash" into the area of interest, in the end, after possibly 5 -10 years looking for it, they will conclude that the plane is impropable to be retrieved due to natural causes and will cease the effort to look for it.

    It's almost perfect. It's not peculiar for dead bodies not to be found where the situation involving a plane crash into water. And it's common knowledge that looking for wreckage in deep waters is monumental task. If they fail to find it, no fingers will be pointed at anybody, they'll just think that their equipments are not good enough, or hinged by natural occurence.

    But that's just a theory, and I am being irresponsible in making one.

  5. - After following the update news of MH370 since from the 1st day, tonight is the most difficult part to received this worst scenario...

    - 'Sandy' --> Maldives island?

  6. New mobile? Ads-b ngan transponder bukannya besar saiz motor kapcai c70.
    Tukar set ads-b ngan transponder baru bau kedai pun xda maknanya. Lu airborne je pi memana & switch on ads-b + transponder knob to mode s, memang aircraft position lagi accurate kalau nak banding ngan radar pasal jaman kapal NextGen lagi bagus ada backup gps datalink. so mcm mana nak menipu atc services? Mcm mana nak intentionally landing kat sandy location? Ok la,meh kita kata atc services kat Malaysia cap ayam,masih x gunapakai sistem ads-b n tak boleh paham mode s punya transmission. Yang penting black box/flight data recorder.dapat menatang tu,semua rahsia pecah. Kalau menatang tu sengaja dighaibkan,memang binatang la sapa yg buat keje gampang tu.

  7. bro-ur article hanya nk divert ktorg gak kan? bukan kat gong kedak kan?
    kalo inilah pengakhirannya...mcm dpt jumpa satu titik pertemuan antara ur article, shah paskal military of msia & brado kapak.... :-(((((((...

  8. Artikel tuan tanah perlu diperbaiki.lu dah terlepas PNR.point of no return. Hopefully lu punya fuel cukup.kalau tak,all pax prepare for ditching! Brace3x

  9. dah amik teori dari site omputeh lak...buang masa je baca blog ni

  10. http://greatgameindia.wordpress.com/2014/03/22/mh370-mystery-suspicious-cargo-destroyed-in-a-massive-explosion-near-1945-nuclear-bomb-test-site/


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???