06 June 2014

Inilah Standard Universiti Di Malaysia

Bhai/DeeDee semua...

Hahahaha.... Gua tak tau dah nak kata aper... Inilah standard universiti di Malaysia.... Tabley nak salahkan pelajar semata-mata... Tapi kena salahkan jugak kakitangan akademik dan pentadbiran Universiti di Malaysia....

Hahaha... Lawak siot...

Patut la tak kemana hasil yang ader... Hahaha.... Unmarketable.... Hahaha


  1. kadang-kadang, student nie terpaksa buat-buat jadi bodoh... supaya dapat kemudahan asrama dan sebagainya... yelah, yang menilai samada depa tu dapat asrama ke tidak, terdiri dari golongan orang bodoh....

  2. hahaha... pasni UITM akan melonjak ranking antara universiti terbaik di dunia...sbb universiti negara mane reti buat dodol bro kecuali indonesia...hahaha..pernemuan terbaru nih hahaha

  3. penolong rektor tu Dr... ade pHd tu.. tapi apelah punya mentaliti... adus...
    buat benda2 merapu dan merepek camni dgn student.. karut-marut

  4. phd projek habuan dunya .nak bangga tak kena gaya. orang dah tak heran lagi. lapok.
    kalau cipta alat kesan ping pun ada baik jugak

  5. University luar negara cipta peralatan cangih2...xde nye sebok nk masuk anugerah guinness pun....kt malaysia ni lepas bersenam tanpa henti 76 jam, logo dari donat....lepas ni buat logo terbesar dari taik pulak....kumpul semua student utk berak ramai2

    1. ni dia orang copyright mentaliti umno ... semua nak bangga ... semua nak riak ... semua nak menyobong .... tentu ada majlis perasmian ... panggil yb umno .... mesti ada ucapan dan dalam ucapan mesti kata itu akan menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara ... kah..kah..kah..kah..kah..kah..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Gaya cakap budak uitm ni....

  6. korang baca sampai habis tak artikel sebenar? uitm jual dodol ni sebab nak cari dana nak bantu orang susah..tu wujud projek Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa (MDAB)..budak2 yg keputusan SPM tak seberapa di ceruk2 kampung diberi peluang pakai duit ni untuk belajar di UiTM..punyalah UiTM bagi peluang kat anak melayu yg tak mampu..kalau korang taknak derma tak payahlah kutuk orang yg berusaha isi tabung tu...dan bab-bab derma ni selalunya pemimpin UMNO janji UiTM dapat kutip berapa nanti pemimpin UMNO akan tambah dgn jumlah yg sama byk..sebab tu UiTM dan UMNO rapat..korang nak ke sedekah kat budak2 susah tu??

    1. lek bro.........bro lelek......... bro seorg je

  7. Anon 817am, ape bangangnye nk kutip derma wat keje bodoh mcm ni. Makanan tu atas lantai jual kutip derma.
    Banyak cara len yg lebih bijak dari keje bodoh ni. Awat takleh buat karnival buku ke? Lagi ilmiah dan banyak manfaatnyer la.
    Mentaliti melayu uitm ape ko ni?


    1. Buku baca online je skrg

    2. apa la bangangnya kau..dah kata bekas plastik dodol..bukan dodol...nak jual plastik buat apa..tak laku

  8. Cipan bongok yang dok ingat mh370 kat gong kedak punya standard mesti tak publish cerita mcm ni....
    PETALING JAYA: A final year law student from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) talked her way to emerge the top debater at the recent United Asian Debating Championship (UADC) held in Singapore.Maizura Mokhsein, 23, also created history by being the first Malaysian to receive the honour in the prestigious competition.She beat 360 other participants from universities across Asia at the nine-day competition held from May 25 to June 2 at the Nanyang Technology University in Singapore."It feels great. It felt even better when I saw how happy my friends were when I received the trophy."Having competitors and the people that I admire come up and say congratulations was the best part of it all,” she said.The UADC is Asia’s largest and most prestigious tournament. It runs in the Asian Parliamentary format, which pitches teams of three against each other. It also provides the definitive ranking for all debaters in the continent.This year - its fifth year running - the championship drew 120 teams.Maizura scored top marks in all eight preliminary rounds.Apart from the win, she holds many other accolades, having won 13 national trophies in her six years taking part in debates. She is also a familiar name in international debate competitions.Although she will be retiring from the competition this year, Maizura is happy to end on a high note after amassing an impressive debating resume.“Through debating, I've learned to be more receptive towards ideas. I've also learnt to challenge ideas that people force us to blindly believe in,” she said.“I have absolutely no regrets joining debates. In a way, it transformed my mind and my life,” she said.While she took the individual title, Maizura came out a little sad that her UiTM teammates could not follow suit as a fellow Malaysian team from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) had beaten the UiTM team in the semi-finaeh

  9. hahahahahah...abis la..'unmarketable' yg x tahan tu


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???