18 July 2014

MH17 : Shot Down By Drone (Global Hawk)

KIEV - 20:00 hours

Information circling Intel Agencies throughout Eastern Europe mentioning that a covert operation done by United States within the airspace 100 km from MH17 ill-fated flight.

US has been using a Global Hawk long range drone equipped with AMRAAM missile to do some recon in that area.

Suspected that this AMRAAM were the one that bring down MH17 with 298 passengers.

No AMRAAM fragment until now has been detected and recovered but expert said that this might takes some while to identified it. Meanwhile, no BUK missile fragment whatsoever has been detected at the crash site.

Source : Multiple Intel Agencies

Update @ 23:00 hours - KIEV : No ground based missile (BUK) smoke trail has been detected within the crash site radius to indicate the source of BUK system installation battery.


  1. salam bhai cipan...
    kalau maklumat ini betul mmg laknatlah amerika. just curious adakah perjumpaan obama+najib di malaysia ada kaitan diatas??

  2. Berita pulak langsung tak bincangkan kemungkinan ni. Semoga Allah memberikan pertolonganNya dalam merungkai ini semua.

  3. Salam C++

    Yong dah baca dalam news itu ada kemungkinan ini sebab pihak pemisah yang dituduh tiada capability untuk menembak pesawat setinggi itu. So, mungkin ditembak oleh air-to air missile. So the finger is pointing at US!

  4. Sebenarnya MH17 ialah cover up untuk MH370

  5. Pihak pemerontak itu ada keupayaan menembak dengan Buk kerana semasa mereka mengambil alih kemx tentera kawasan Donetsk dan Crimea, Buk dah ada. Lagipun Buk ini jenis mudah digerakkan dan ketepatan tembakan adalah 97%.. Transkrip tembakan oleh pemberontak pun ada. Ini mungkin propaganda Rusia untuk alih kepada USA kerana perasaan orang Islam anti USA. Paara pemberontak ini bukanlah askar berdidiplin dan kebanyakan bekas tentera soviet . Mereka tak tahu apa yang terbang kerana radar kawalan penerbangan dibawh kawalan Ukraine dan Russia. Mereka nampak ada kapalterbang, aiw, locked and shoot kerana mereka ini trigger happy dan pemabok. Pernah dikawasan ini beberapa bulan dalam 2010 dan kebanyakan bekas askar soviet ni mabukx dan vodka dalah minuman harian mereka. Kehidupan mereka tak sama dengan kita dan cara fikiran kita tak akan sama dengan mereka. Terakhir mereka larang OSCE melawat tempat letupan. Ini propaganda aje dan jangan kita sebahagian dari pemfitnah

  6. knp MH17 diarah terbang ke sana oleh atc Ukraine yang diluar laluan kebiasaan?


    aku suka blog ni sbb berfikiran mcm aku. aku nyampah dgn blog2 lain tu yg jadi jurucakap media barat. apa yg media barat cetak itu yg diplagiat. tak ada critical thinking langsung. barat mengguna media utk menutup kejahatan mereka. if u flood the media enuff, some ppl will begin to think its true.

    utk anak jawa Johor, sila baca akhbar alternatif spt press tv ria novista rtdotcom, al alam, veteran today infowars dsb. cari berita alternative dan buat perbandingan. jgn harap pada media barat.

    my father was a cop. he said the person who start the first finger pointing will always be the liar or the perpetrator. 99% of the time he is the perpetrator. in this tragedy, obummer and the west sang the same song accusing the rebel and Russia minutes after the crime. (comment dr blog).

    the Russian radar has provided proof that a Ukrainian jet was at the scene before MH17 disappeared and it lingered for a while to presumably took photos or intelligence.

    “Also, July 17 saw increased activity on the part of Ukraine’s Kupol-M1 9S18 radars, which are part of the Buk system. Here on this chart you see that there were seven radars operating on July 15, eight radars operating on July 16, and nine radars operating on July 17 in the area. Then, starting with July 18, the intensity of radar activities radically decreased, and now there are no more than two or three radars operating a day. The reason behind this is yet to be found.”



Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???