03 November 2013

EXPOSE: What's Wrong With Malaysian Security?

Eavesdropping is a norm in Malaysia.... Many intelligence agency has been setting up their listening post, surveillance equipment and relay center in Malaysia. Even our government eavesdrop Malaysian citizen communication for decades.

Every now and then, many intelligence operatives use KL as their center hub for relaying data... CIA, MI6, KGB, FSB, Mossad and others... You named it... Malaysia got it.

When Malaysian government want to  built a "special force @ commando's base" complete with submarine support facilities in Sekakap Mersing back in early 2000, you can see Singapore Tourist has been visiting Mersing and Tioman like flies circling some shit.

For me, these Singapore tourist were mostly Intelligence operatives mimicking as decent tourist. Even though there is no directives given to us at "The Agency", we do closely monitored their activity.

For almost 40 years foreign intelligence operatives activity is not properly detected... Deep penetration within Malaysia government agency has been compromised for years. Data flow were like Yang Tze Kiang river. Never stop.

As far as I know, even terrorist cell were using Malaysia (especially KL) as their center hub for either intelligence gathering or operatives recruitment. Do you remember Al Qaeda?

What I want to say is, even though we got the "best" intelligence operatives in the World, most of them were wrongly utilized. Yes ... Wrongly utilized.

The directives given to our intelligence operatives mostly to cover some political parties ass and not the national security. Even though the directives to our operatives which operates overseas.

That's why all this thing happen in Malaysia... Wrongly assigned directives for our intelligence operatives. 

Our BSN , Special Branch and "E" Department are the best of the best... That's includes our Military Intelligence.. 

Until our government realized what the damage they have done to our national security... I wonder what will happen next to Malaysia.... Maybe our top leader will get Blackmailed?

What Edward Snowden publicly publish is a tips of an Iceberg in our National Security. That's show how low we monitored our communication. I wonder what happen to our "sweeping team". Have they done their work?

Hope that in the near future, all our intelligence operatives will get a very clearly directives without political hands.

We need to maintained our nation sovereignty.


  1. Cam ni lah c plus plus!

  2. BSN tu yang ada aweks giro yang cun melecun tu ker :-)....operatif ramai....gurkha ptd pun ramai yang jadi operatif...

  3. nak harap musuh hormati kita sorila u pandai pandai la jaga diri intip tetap intip itu kerja pihak musuh terutama bapa pengganas dunia .AIB - amerika Israel Britis n the geng.bab tu ada pemimpin negara tertentu kena ugut oleh musuh.harap terbaik aja tapi yang tak baik dibiar juga nak buat apa.snowden tu orang negori 9 kut


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???