08 January 2016

Keturunan Temenggong Buat Hal

Bhai/DeeDee semua...

Kalau ikut syarat memang tak layak jadi Sultan sebab bukan susur galur yang betul... Naik pun kerana sokongan British... Lagi mahu sembang hebat... Ugut sana ugut sini... 

Maaflah gua tak berapa respek pasai Temenggung itu bukan susur galur Sultan.... Temenggung tu cuma pegawai Istana je.... Tak lebih dari itu... Lainlah kalau keturunan Sultan yang betul okeh la jugak boleh direspek...

Nih gua baru dimaklumkan.... Ini gua nak habaq ... Lu orang jangan sembang tunjuk samseng... Geng gua di Agensi akan peratikan perangai lu orang... Agak-agak la dalam tindakan tu...

8th January 2016

Dear friends,

URGENT APPEAL: Arrests of Khairul Nizam (Aduka Taruna) 

Khairul Nizam was arrested with no reason given at his home in Kota Bahru on the morning of 8th January 2016. At the moment, the reason of his arrest was not provided by the Police from IPK Kota Bahru.

Khairul Nizam had previously submitted himself for questioning at Dang Wangi on the 28th December 2015 to assist with the investigation of alleged sedition and was soon after arrested at Dang Wangi. Fortunately, he was released after a brief remand.

As of now, SUARAM have information that Khairul Nizam is being taken to IPD Johor Bahru Utara and would reach there tonight. Hours after his arrests, the reason of his arrest still have not been informed. Lawyers are actively trying to ascertain the reason for arrest and his present location. 

The unscrupulous manner in which the Royal Malaysian Police conducted the arrests and the subsequent refusal to provide adequate information to family and lawyers is questionable if not illegal. With this ‘blackout’ of information and the manner which the Royal Malaysian Police have acted in, SUARAM is concerned for the safety and security of Khairul Nizam. 

On this note, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) strongly condemns the arrest of Khairul Nizam on the 8th January 2016 and demand that Khairul Nizam be released from this unnecessary and unjustified arrest. 

Released by,
Sevan Doraisamy
Executive Director 

Please send in a letter of protest to the Government and the Royal Malaysian Police to express your strongest condemnation of the arrest of Khairul Nizam and demand for the police to released Khairum Nizam immediately.

Sample Letter:
Inspector-General of Police
Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar
Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja Malaysia
50560 Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur

Dear Sir,

Arrest of Khairul Nizam (Aduka Taruna) on the 8th January 2016

(Organization Name or We) strong condemn the arrests of Khairul Nizam by IPD Kota Bahru barely two weeks after his release from Dang Wangi on the 28th December 2015.

Despite his willingness to cooperate as shown by his attendance on the 28th December 2015 at Dang Wangi, the police force of IPK Kota Bahru have seen fit to arrests Khairul Nizam at his home in Kota Bahru on the 8th January 2016.

On this note, we demand that Khairul Nizam be released immediately!

Yours sincerely,

Email, Fax or Send Letter to:
Inspector-General of Police
Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar
Ibu Pejabat Polis Diraja Malaysia
50560 Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur
Email: abkhalid@rmp.gov.my & kpn@rmp.gov.my
No Tel/Fax: 03-22662222/03-20707500
CC to:
IPD Johor Bahru Utara
Jalan Putih Skudai,
Johor Bahru Utara,
Johor Bahru.
Email: kpdjbu@rmp.gov.my
No Tel/Fax: 07-5561222/07-5563122
IPD Kota Bahru
Jalan Padang Tembak,
Pengkalan Chepa,
16100 Kota Bahru,
Email: hea_kb@rmp.gov.my
No Tel/Fax: 09-7752200/09-7744022
Tingkat 11, Menara TH Perdana,
1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
Bukit Bintang,
50250 Kuala Lumpur,
WP Kuala Lumpur
Email: humanrights@suhakam.org.my
No Tel/Fax: 03-26125600/03-26125620


  1. kes dunia macam tu saja
    tunggu diakhirat nanti pakat tengok
    setiap diri berapa banyak kes duk tunggu
    kes dalam tugas pun ramai tak lepas
    manusia jangan sombong sangat

  2. berani buat berani tanggung...gentleman lah bro...tak logic sungguh tak tahu ditahan kerana apa..



Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???