21 February 2021

Buta Kayu @ Blind Wood

Bhai/DeeDee semua...

Sebelum Januari 2021... gua kelam kabut menyiapkan peralatan sekolah anak-anak.... beli baju, seluar, kain, tudung, beg dan kasut sekolah... Tetiba pada tarikh yang sepatutnya budak-budak masuk sekolah... mendaftar sekolah... tetiba sekolah di batalkan... dan semua kena sekolah secara online...

Ramai yang ketawakan gua... Hahaha... takpa... memang la bengang sebab baju dan kasut sekolah kalu tak pakai nanti tak muat lar... budak-budak cepat membesar....

Maka... kelam kabut la mak bapak terpaksa layan PdPR... sekolah secara online... terpaksa keluar modal beli gajet... beli laptop... beli smartphone... budak-budak mana maunya pakai yang sekenhen... semua kalu boleh nak yang baru... nak yang latest... nak yang power.... Hahaha...

Gua takder hal.. sebab gua memang banyak personal computer (PC) dan laptop...walaupun bukan laptop terbaru... tapi reasonable la powernya.... dengan RAM dan HDD yang bagoosh... tambah lagi banyak laptop yang running Linux Operating System macam Ubuntu dan Zorin OS...

Tak ler terkesan sangat nak guna PdPR... tambah lagi line internet di rumah gua adalah 800 Mbps speed dier.... okeh la sangat... takder rasa beban pon nak akses bagai...

Tetiba jer... 

Menteri KPM Radzi Jidin umumkan sekolah boleh bukak semula pada Mac 2021... hehehhe... Jenuh la mak bapak yang baru beli gajet ... baru beli laptop... baru beli smartphone... baru beli tablet....  gadai sana sini... pinjam ah long bagai........  ternganga pasai sekolah boleh bukak balik...

Hahaha... barang semua nak campak mana.... hahaha... sabor je la.... dapat kerajaan yang takder planning macam ni la... hahahaha

Yang untung tokey kedai gajet... hahahaha


  1. Now check out this clip from an interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr for a bit of background on these mRNA vaccines:

    “What we know about coronavirus from 30 years of experience is that a coronavirus vaccine has a unique peculiarity, which is any attempted making of the vaccine has resulted in the creation of a class of antibodies that actually make vaccinated people sicker when they ultimately suffer exposure to the wild virus. Following the SARS epidemic that began in 2002, China launched a concerted effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine. They succeeded in developing 30 promising models, and they chose the four “best in class” to fabricate and then test on ferrets, the animal most analogous to human beings when it comes to upper respiratory infections.

    The ferrets all developed admirable, robust, and durable antibody responses, and the scientists believed they had hit the jackpot. But then, when the animals suffered exposure to the wild virus, something frightening happened. The vaccinated animals sickened and died with body-wide inflammation. The vaccine had created a condition known as paradoxical inherent immune response, which amplified the injury caused by the illness rather than preventing it.

    The scientists at that time recalled a similar occurrence from the 1960s where the NIH had conducted studies on a vaccine for RSV, an upper respiratory illness very similar to coronavirus. The 35 children in that study had developed a strong antibody response but had become terribly ill upon exposure to wild RSV. Two of the children died. Remembering this incident, the scientists in 2012 abandoned their efforts to create that vaccine. And that is why today you are hearing dire warnings from unexpected quarters… who have all warned that a coronavirus vaccine may end up making people sicker from coronavirus rather than avoiding the disease.” (“Interview with Robert F Kennedy J”, Children’s Health Defense)

    Repeat: “when the animals suffered exposure to the wild virus, something frightening happened. The vaccinated animals sickened and died with body-wide inflammation.”

    This is recurrent theme when one reads alternate literature on the mRNA vaccine. It may also explain why the vaccine manufacturers skipped animal trials before seeking approval from the FDA. We should also note, that none of the current crop of vaccines have concluded their Phase 3 trials which will not be finished for two years from today. Readers should not find that reassuring.

    Let’s take a minute and dig a little deeper into this idea that vaccines can actually make you sicker and perhaps die. Here’s a blurb from a research paper published in Nature in July 2020 on the condition called Antibody-dependent Enhancement:

  2. line internet di rumah gua adalah 800 Mbps

    itu rumah lu rumah orang lain banyak yang terok
    harga barang it pun naik mencanak
    bala memang bala semau pakat rasa

    setiap tahun kalau bab baca bajet oi bukan main
    itu semua bagus punya
    ynag gobek saja terlena percaya

    manusia hanya mengharap

    Raja berkata (kepada orang-orang terkemuka dari kaumnya): "Sesungguhnya aku bermimpi melihat tujuh ekor sapi betina yang gemuk-gemuk dimakan oleh tujuh ekor sapi betina yang kurus-kurus dan tujuh bulir (gandum) yang hijau dan tujuh bulir lainnya yang kering.
    " Hai orang-orang yang terkemuka: Terangkanlah kepadaku tentang takbir mimpiku itu jika kamu dapat menakbirkan mimpi."

    belajar lah urus negara ngan ambil kira dari kisah ini
    jadikan kisah dalam Quran n Hadis Nabi panduan
    janagn cepat perasan dah cukup pandai

    tak ada satu saat pun urusan manusia terkeluar dari
    panduan Quran n Hadis Nabi

  3. Kerajaan tebuk atap dah bertukar jadi kerajaan tangkap muat. Semua benda buat last minit pastu langsung takde planning. Last2 rakyat juga yang kena ikhtiar untuk hidup dan sara diri. Kejadahnya ada kerajaan macam ni? Baik tak yah ada kerajaan lagi baik. #kitajagakita tu memang tepat sebab kerajaan tangkap muat hanya mengabihkan boreh je.. Satu sen tak guna!


  4. Ni la level phd Malaysia.,,,Dr ya gi buang dlm waste bin...


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???