05 August 2010

How Do Saman Ekor Works

For those who have been blacklisted by PDRM and JPJ because of "Saman Ekor", please do read this articles. I'm been writing this article in Broken English and I hope each and everyone of you can get clearer picture after finished reading this article on "How Do Saman Ekor Works".

Okay, let me explained the two method that PDRM used to create a "SAMAN EKOR"

On first method, PDRM will stationed his staff with proper speed radar (L band or K band signal wavelength) complete with a static low light high powered telescopic still photo camera built-in. This staff will be station on a straight road that have at least 100 meters in length. It's a prerequisite for this speed radar cum speed camera to be function well enough. This camera can handle at least 10 lumen of ambient light.

When there are motorcar or lorry approach within the range, the system will detect the speed and the camera will snap on the picture automatically if the speed is above the preset value (i.e the authorized speed on that road). This is the proper method whereby you and I can get a traffic summoned (i.e Saman Ekor) if driving more that the authorized speed limit.

The police will send you a summon ticket and you can request to see the still photo that capture your car speeding (they will charge you for such copies). This is the legal way how do "saman ekor" works.

The second method is very questionable as this method is more secretive as PDRM will not entertained everyone if asked whether they used this as part as their modus operandi. What I'm explaining to you will actually get me into trouble.... hehehe

By the way, for the sake of all Malaysian road user who actually will be selected as a victim using the second method, here I explained to you the way PDRM do it.

I suspect that there are a team of expert within the units that generate the bogus saman ekor based on randomly selected plate number whereby anyone can get their own saman ekor. Normally in these scenario, they will pick the plate number based on where the location of the saman ekor will be (i.e if you get a saman ekor in Rompin, I'm sure you may have a car that bearing the C number - Pahang generic plate number)

In this scenario, you will neither want to argue as you must pay the saman ekor first prior to blacklisted when renewing your road tax. Some people (majority) will never have a gut to checked with PDRM whether the saman ekor is valid or not. They merely just pay and forget. This is the way Malaysian Government get the income .... it's all by magic... just print the saman ekor with a valid plate number and no one will argue except pay the saman ekor prior to get cleared from blacklist. It's all about cost as if you want to argue, you must pay to get a copied of still photo from PDRM with is costly.

So.... out for 10 saman ekor, I suspected that there will be 4 being generated via the second method. Please check and make action if you find some irregularity of your "Saman Ekor"



  2. salam bro...

    persoalannya skg..apakah dlm kes saman ekor ni ada undang2 atau akta yg membolehkan jpj menghalang pemilik kenderaan dari renew cukai jalan?
    kalau tak ada..apakah tidak menjadi satu kesalahan pd jpj dan polis kerana enggan renew cukai jalan kita?

    minta org2 yg tahu tentang undang2 beri penjelasan terpeinci pd org ramai agar kita tidak terus dianianya....

  3. Bhai Amuraria....

    Tue ler pasal... diorang mana kira dosa pahala... hahaha

    Bhai Agas...

    Gua bukan loyar la... hahaha... tak pernah sempat chambering... hahaha


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???