03 November 2012

Kena Belasahkah Blogger Ini Dalam Tahanan?

Bhai... Sori... Gua tengah dalam mood travel nih... Dan tak sempat nak pegi Himpunan Bersih di Seremban... Tetiba jer gua dapat maklumat yang sorang lagi blogger ditahan... Nama dier Ahmad Abd Jalil... Sedang diuruskan di Johor... Maybe di IPD Nusajaya... mmmm... Alasan yang gua dengar... konon menghina Sultan Johor.... Lu orang boleh baca sini

Wei... Setahu gua aaa... Chua Soi Lek lagi kuat menghina Sultan Johot dan Agong... Siap perkecilkan Sultan dan Agong... Bukan ker Agong dan Sultan tue ketua agama Islam... Tapi Chua Soi Lek tak kena tahan pon.... Pelik aaaa... Pelik gua ngan Polis Johor... Gua lagi pelik ngan rakyat Johor... Tak tau letak prioriti... Yang mana satu ....

So... Aderkah blogger ini akan jadi ulam kat dalam tahanan... Aderkah blogger ini akan kena belasah dalam tahanan? Adakah dia akan selamat tanpa belasahan? Ini persoalan yang sedang gua cuba dapatkan dari kengkawan gua kat dalam agensi...

Aper-aper pon... Gua harap lu orang professional... Jangan buat kerja bodoh kalu setakat nak dapatkan maklumat... Jangan belasah tahanan... Sebab sekali lu orang belasah ... Sampai biler orang takkan respek sama Polis... Begitu jugak... Jangan lu orang tunduk sangat dengan arahan puak JMF tue... Diorang cuma setakat level RELA jer...

Gua rasa dalam sejam dua nih.. Gua akan dapat info dari dalam... Tunggu laporan lanjut dari gua...

Solidariti untuk para blogger...

UPDATE: Stakat pukul 3.30 tadi... maklumat yang gua dapat menunjukkan blogger yang sedang ditahan selamat... Tapi tak tau la sampai biler selamat... Member gua bagitau... ada arahan dari atas yang maukan blogger tue jangan diapa-apakan.... Harap pegawai penyiasat dan bawahan ikut arahan tue baik-baik... Geng Bukit Aman dengar citernyer masih belum amik statement lagie...

UPDATE 8 Malam: Gua punya informer baru dapat jumpa blogger/facebooker sekitar lewat petang tadi... Alhamdulillah.. Dier okeh... cuma ader skit trauma dengan soklan dari IO yang banyak tanya soklah takder berkaitan... Siap ader tanya soklan cepumas... Siapa idola online dier... Hahaha... Gua tak tau la IO mana yang buat lawak tue... Oh yer... Tadi petanh dua kenderaan JMF kelihatan di lokasi... Tak tau aper urusan..

UPDATE 12 Malam: Informer gua bagitau... maybe akan ader dua tiga lagi tangkapan... cuma tak pasti siapa... yang pasti semua akan ditahan di Johor... tak tahu kenapa... Isu pasai buku pon ader dengar citer... tapi tak clear lagi... aderkah pengedar buku akan kena pon tak tahu.... Bukit Aman tak dapat masuk campurtangan... khabarnya ader influence dari Kontinjen Negeri.... Nama gua pon panas balik... hahaha..... .


  1. Press Statement from FAMILY AHMAD BIN ABD JALIL - in reagards to his ARRESTS - media / press please pick up

    "Johore Police detained a youth accused of insulting the Sultan in FB"

    Kuala Lumpur, 3rd Nov - A youth was detained by Johore Police late last night under the Seditious Act 4(1), accused of insulting the Sultan of Johore in his facebook. He was detained in Kuala Lumpur and transfered to Johore on the same night.

    Ahmad Abd Jalil, 27 a quantity surveyor was picked up by several plain-clothed police officers at his office in Cheras at around 10.00pm and later was brought to Balai Polis Wangsa Maju for questioning. Subsequently he was brought to his parent's house in Damansara Damai for house-search whereby the police had conducted checks on all computers and laptops in the house. He was then taken to Johore by around 10 plain-clothed officers in 4 civilian cars.

    The family's lawyer confirmed that Ahmad was presented before the JB Magistrate in the morning and remanded for 3 days for further investigation. As at 3.00pm on Saturday, an effort to meet Ahmad by his parent was denied by IPK Johor Bahru.

    At 9.00pm on Friday, one of the family members received call from Ahmad and quickly arranged for his lawyer-friend to attend the matter at Balai Polis Wangsa Maju. Worrying of Ahmad's safety the lawyer lodged a counter police-report regarding the possible transfer of the youth to Johore. No identification of the Johore police officers, arrest-warrant or police reports against Ahmad were shown by the police to the lawyer and family members.

    The FB netizens quickly highlighted this case, providing limelights and attentions by various activists on Ahmad's safety.

    One of Ahmad's immediate family members mentioned that;
    a) the number of police officers involved in the process for such a small case (non-criminal, non-violent) - 4 civilian cars driven by around 10 plain-clothed police officers.
    b) the officers did not show any arrest-warrant, identification or copy of report-against Ahmad.
    c) Ahmad was detained on Friday night and they insist to bring him to Johore on the same night as if matter is so urgent.

    The family worries about Ahmad's safety where there is a risk of direct interference from the 'palace' during the detention and remand period. "If someone who is well-known or famous, his safety is almost assured due to the limelights in the alternative media or news, but for an ordinary youth like Ahmad, we need assurance of his safety. We are confident with the police's conduct and professionalism but we are not sure whether the Johore police could stop any interference from the 'palace' as a lot of stories (whether it is true or not) that they have always been 'above-the-law' in Johore. We are puzzled as to why this case was attended by the Johore police with high urgency (there are a lot of other criminal cases to handle especially a state with very high crime index). We don't mind if Ahmad is being remanded at any police station other than in Johore, unless there is an assurance of his safety"

  2. Press Statement from FAMILY AHMAD BIN ABD JALIL - in reagards to his ARRESTS - media / press please pick up

    "Johore Police detained a youth accused of insulting the Sultan in FB"

    Kuala Lumpur, 3rd Nov - A youth was detained by Johore Police late last night under the Seditious Act 4(1), accused of insulting the Sultan of Johore in his facebook. He was detained in Kuala Lumpur and transfered to Johore on the same night.

    Ahmad Abd Jalil, 27 a quantity surveyor was picked up by several plain-clothed police officers at his office in Cheras at around 10.00pm and later was brought to Balai Polis Wangsa Maju for questioning. Subsequently he was brought to his parent's house in Damansara Damai for house-search whereby the police had conducted checks on all computers and laptops in the house. He was then taken to Johore by around 10 plain-clothed officers in 4 civilian cars.

    The family's lawyer confirmed that Ahmad was presented before the JB Magistrate in the morning and remanded for 3 days for further investigation. As at 3.00pm on Saturday, an effort to meet Ahmad by his parent was denied by IPK Johor Bahru.

    At 9.00pm on Friday, one of the family members received call from Ahmad and quickly arranged for his lawyer-friend to attend the matter at Balai Polis Wangsa Maju. Worrying of Ahmad's safety the lawyer lodged a counter police-report regarding the possible transfer of the youth to Johore. No identification of the Johore police officers, arrest-warrant or police reports against Ahmad were shown by the police to the lawyer and family members.

    The FB netizens quickly highlighted this case, providing limelights and attentions by various activists on Ahmad's safety.

    One of Ahmad's immediate family members mentioned that;
    a) the number of police officers involved in the process for such a small case (non-criminal, non-violent) - 4 civilian cars driven by around 10 plain-clothed police officers.
    b) the officers did not show any arrest-warrant, identification or copy of report-against Ahmad.
    c) Ahmad was detained on Friday night and they insist to bring him to Johore on the same night as if matter is so urgent.

    The family worries about Ahmad's safety where there is a risk of direct interference from the 'palace' during the detention and remand period. "If someone who is well-known or famous, his safety is almost assured due to the limelights in the alternative media or news, but for an ordinary youth like Ahmad, we need assurance of his safety. We are confident with the police's conduct and professionalism but we are not sure whether the Johore police could stop any interference from the 'palace' as a lot of stories (whether it is true or not) that they have always been 'above-the-law' in Johore. We are puzzled as to why this case was attended by the Johore police with high urgency (there are a lot of other criminal cases to handle especially a state with very high crime index). We don't mind if Ahmad is being remanded at any police station other than in Johore, unless there is an assurance of his safety"

  3. Bhai C++.. Usik blogger maknanya nak promote yg polis ni macai la...
    kasi blast habis story dari A sampai Z la..

  4. tuan blogger,

    ampooon beribu-ribu ampoooon!

  5. Bukit Aman pon helpless la dengan para gangnam ni?? JMF.

  6. Sultan bukan Nabi ! Baginda patut dinasihati/ ditegur secara umum. In public pun kita boleh bersuara. Apasal nak kecik hati? Pemimpin perlu berjiwa besar!

    Ok, biar beradab !

  7. Bhai/DeeDee semua....

    Gua menulis berdasarkan input yang gua ader... aper nak buat... dah itu senario dalam M'sia nih... hahaha...

    Ya'ampoon.... hahahaha


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???