20 March 2014

MH370 Update : It Can Be Done

Dear All,

- Sorry for late update. My day today were full with meeting and technical briefing.

- I've got report mentioning that Aussie has been detecting some debris which they think would came from MH370.

- What I can said is that this debris (even if it comes from the real MH370 known as 9M-MRO) might be planted there just to divert the SAR team from the real location.

- It can be easily done as it took only 4 to 5 days for any ship to arrived at that specific location from Malaysia.

- If the plane crash there or somewhere else, the blackbox will be automatically activated. These blackbox can't be easily  deactivate.

- By the way, here some clue for today. 

- Do you know that MH370 (9M-MRO) can be disguise as another MAS commercial airplane easily and can be flown to another country without much hassle.

- Do you know that you can equipped any experimental/light aircraft with a small USD$2900 ADS-B transmitter complete with flight transponder to mimic MH370 (9M-MRO) signature and flown it right through Isthamus Kra without alerting people at around 2.30 am easily.

Trully Your Friend



  1. Apa lu merapu ni bai..lu ni masuk tech meeting mesti lu tido.
    Lu punya ayat 'if plane crash somewhere,the blackbox will automatically activated'..?
    Blackbox tu kejenye buat recording je. Yg nak buat keje kalau ada crash impact tu namanya ELT. Lu tido masa meeting,lu cari la apa tu elt. Menatang elt ni transmit distress signal pakai 406Mhz. Baru dalam 2-3 tahun ni satu alam dunia pakai freq tu. Sebelum ni civil punya kapal pakai 121.5Mhz. Geng militer pakai 243Mhz. Uhh lenkali stay alert,bukan tido masa meeting

    1. Bhai/DeeDee Anonymous...

      Hahahaha.... Lain kali lu kena paham macam mana blog ini beroperasi sebelum nak komen mender.... Ini bukan blog teknikal... ini blog mau citer layman punya.... Kalu mau citer detail teknikal kalu.... pi layan blog PapaGomo atau ParpuKari... diorang punya blog lebih teknikal.... Hahahaha

      Pergh ... detail la lu gugle... hahaha

    2. Tumpang gelak bhai...kahkahkah

  2. Friend,
    You know what,IF i believe your story and If it is true that you know the TRUTH,it means to me that you probably work closely with 'those people' and to me,you are a piece of coward,selfish ba***** and as disgusting as the 'people that you claim' responsible for this.If you have time to flaunting ur 'knowledge' here,u obviously u r not doing anything for the 'TRUTH' to come out.If you gonna be spineless n takde telur abt this, just shut up n just live ur spineless way till the day you meet HIM.By HIM,i mean Allah/God.And IF you just one of the conspiracy theories crazies,it still do not make any diff.Still a piece of s....but i'll understand you better if u are the later.To me, a liar is less disgusting than selfish,spineless bastard.

    1. Bhai/DeeDee Anonymous...

      Hehehe.... ayat baek nampak.... Hahahaha..... terbaek... camtue la gua nak baca....

      By the way.... sebelum nak komen tue lain kali aaa... hadham kan dulu metafora yang digunakan kat blog nih.... the way "kami" cerita secara santai.... dan setiap benda yang "kami" keluarkan biasanyer ader klu disebaliknya.... guna akai untuk cari yang mana klu tue.... Hahahaha

      Blog ini suka suruh lu orang pikir sendiri.... guna akai yang Allah Taala dah bagi.... jangan tak guna sampai bersawang... Hahaha.... Dan kalu rasa blog nih tak "suit" ngan alter-ego lu orang.... aper lagi tunggu.... sendirik mau ingat la.... Hahahaha

  3. Hahahah mentol nampak.emo la lu ni.bai,jiwa kena kental. Bahasa jiwa bangsa. Apa salahnya lu pakai bahasa kebangsaan kita,senang sikit semua orang nak paham. Takkan lu nak orang putih bengap baca artikel/komen lu.tak secret la bai itu macam. Kalau lu nak maki hamun gua,pakaila bahasa kebanggaan kita.baru rock bai!

  4. Lu pun nak halau gua ke tapir.ala lex la,bukan selalu nak mesra dgn lu.dah lu buat blog jenis menduga akal,gua join la mana yg patut.takkan lu nak emo gak mcm sahabat lu tu...ikut suka hati gua la nak bagi komen.kan kuasa veto kat jari lu.
    Lu nak kata gua x ada akal? Ikut suka lu.
    Lu nak kata gua x faham metafora blog lu? Wak lu
    Ada gua merepek?lu pikirla sendiri.gua tau la lu ngan sahabat lu memang penat perah otak..ni gua bagi santai la.sepai mana boleh marah.nanti kena jual

  5. Bhai C++,
    Nampaknya ada org cuba pancing tuan....


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???