04 August 2009

Balachi UMNO/BN Mohon Ganti Rugi


Dengar khabar Persatuan Peniaga dan Penjaja Lorong Tuanku Abdul Rahman akan mintak ganti rugi dan saman kepada GMI... siap nak mintak tolong dengan UMNO tuh... hehehe... teruskan..

Apa kata setiap seorang kita pulak mintak gantirugi dengan Kerajaan Malaysia pimpinan UMNO/BN atas sebab ...

  • Secara bodoh melepaskan Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura
  • Secara bodoh menyerang dan membunuh warga Memali
  • Secara bodoh membeli Kapal Selam, Jet Pejuang dan lain-lain lagi pada harga lebih dari harga pasaran
  • Secara bodoh membiarkan saham Bernas dirembat oleh syarikat Hong Kong
  • Secara bodoh membiarkan Pantai Holding dimiliki oleh Temasek Group
  • Secara bodoh membenarkan agensi kerajaan diswastakan
  • Secara bodoh membazirkan wang KWSP dan KWAP
  • Secara bodoh membatalkan pembinaan jambatan baru menggantikan Tambak Johor
  • Secara bodoh melepaskan tanah-tanah milik KTMB di Singapura
  • Secara bodoh membiarkan PKFZ mengalami kerugian besar
  • Secara bodoh menyebabkan ramai pelajar Melayu di luar bandar menjadi bodoh akibat dasar PPSMI
  • Secara bodoh mengurangkan bilangan matapelajaran yang boleh diambil ketika SPM/SPMV
  • Secara bodoh memansuhkan kuota 30% bumiputera dalam entiti syarikat asing
  • Secara bodoh membenarkan Synergy Drive menjahanamkan perniagaan perladangan di Malaysia.
dan banyak lagie...

So amacam .. lu agak-agak la... berapa saman yang boleh kita mintak... 1 Trillion... atau 100 Trillion... gua rasa 100 Trillion lebih bagus... kita mintak dari UMNO/BN .... kasi diorang bankrap... hahaha

Baca Sini : Peniaga Tuntut Ganti Rugi
Baca Sini : Magaran Suruh Peniaga Mohon Ganti Rugi


  1. Dear Anonymous 6:37 PM....

    Love to see your point but I wonder why on the first place that UMNO (who supposedly should back the Malay) that started to backstab the Malay in general.

    By the way... Who is the commander who instruct PDRM to attack and ambush Malay people in Memali in the first place. Is't others that Malay. Is Mahathir Mohammed and Musa Hitam is not a Malay.

    What about Tunku Abdul Rahman who use ISA to prison all his opponent Malay people like Burhanuddin Al Helmi and others.

    Malay who solemnly maintained their religion never harm other while Malay who never indeed maintained their religion who are the own who make Malaysian like this..

    Personally, I don't think UMNO would like to maintained ISLAM status quo as what PAS did.

    By the way... when looking to the way you write.. I think you are not well educated.


  2. To the first Anon...

    Why all that you said happen to Malays?? Because they have been cheated by their own group which is UMNO. They have been marginalised by their own race. Now Malays are becoming more and more educated and they see and understand what democracy really means and willing to fight for their rights. Isn't that the sign where the Malays are getting wiser & stronger?

    Malays are now can stand tall as they do the same thing that is always done in develop countries such as US, UK, France, Australia, where people go to the streets to express their feelings towards the government. While Malays in UMNO is a stupid bunch of people who still have their mind influenced by the mainstream media which is control by the government.

    Furthermore, Malays are now becoming more united through Pakatan Rakyat. Malays who previously support PAS and PKR are now working together to topple the incompetent UMNO & their coward partner MCA & MIC. Even PKR has manage to win seats that previously owned by MCA & MIC and as a result, the number of Malay MPs in Parliament is higher.

    So as a conclusion, think & look at a broader picture before you write. Support your words with analysis & fact to prove it. Don't show your shallow mind to this bunch of smart Malay cause they might come back to you... ok.


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???