04 August 2009

Siapa Yang Upah?


Rais Yatim tue dah takder modal... siap kata ader orang upah untuk jadi pendemo Anti ISA ... hahaha ... lawak la...

Kalu lu nak tau sapa yang upah... nih gua kasi tau... Semua upah tue datang dari bapak lu... En Yatim.... hahahaha... sebab nak tengok lu nie bangang ker idak...

Takder saper pun yang join demo Anti ISA tue yang dapat upah... melainkan dapat upah dari PDRM dengan air asid, air pancut dan gas pemedih mata.... itu lah upah nyer.... bodoh ker apa Rais Yatim nie... macam mana la orang yang ada PhD nie bodoh piang.... PhD tue beli ker apa...

Rais Yatim..... kalu lu nak tau... yang dapat upah duit tue cuma geng-geng Ibrahim Ali Al-Kataki (Pewaris, Perkasa dan PEKIDA)... yang demo Pro ISA .... tue memang dapat duit... sapa bagi... hahaha.. lu tanya la lu punya bos besar... hahaha

Takder akai punya Menteri....

Baca Sini : Pendemo diupah


  1. you really sick bro...how come malaysia got ppl like you...dude, you really need to be educate..

  2. Dear Anonymous 9.18 PM ...

    Could you mind telling me what wrong with my article. Everyone knows that demonstrator (dissolved ISA) were never being paid by anybody.

    Let see,

    PAS, DAP, PKR will never pay people to do the demonstration as they don't have enough resources. Even all the t-shirt being purchase by the demonstrator using their own hard earned money.

    By contrast, UMNO, MCA, MIC always pay their people even for a small gathering done by local council. Even you can see that payment has been pouring in when there're any by election contested by BN. Even you can see some "nasi bungkus" and "air sirap" being provided.

    So .. please do tell me who are the paid demonstrator? Is't come from Anti-ISA or from Pro-ISA.

    If you still can't see it clearly, then I suggest you should either be sending to any education center to learn seeing things or send you should bang your head to the wall 100 times....

    hahahaha... what a lame you are sir... hahahaha


Nak komen kat sini kena ader telor skit la bhai ... Kena letak nama identiti.. Kalu guna anonymous jer... maap cakap la... gua tak layan.. sori aa...

Err... gua takder masalah nak lepaskan komen lu orang kat sini... tapi gua tak bertanggung jawab atas komen lu orang... so sendiri mau ingat lar..... ader paham ka???